
Improving the Fertility, Condition and Tilth of Soils | Guest Post by Gary Kline

Improving the Fertility, Condition and Tilth of Soils* by Gary Kline   How does one improve the workability or tilth of a soil while also building its fertility?  What do you do to a fairly compact soil which, shortly after spading-up or tilling, slumps back to where it was and, as a result, grows plants poorly?  There are some definite steps you can take to remedy these and improve most farm and garden soils. Basically [...]

By |2017-05-19T13:18:13-07:00July 23rd, 2012|Blog, Guest Posts, Knowledgebase|Comments Off on Improving the Fertility, Condition and Tilth of Soils | Guest Post by Gary Kline

All About Earthworms – Introduction

Earthworms Probably one of the most easily recognized invertebrates, earthworms are of the phylum Annelida, meaning "ringed" and refers to a series of segments that make up their bodies. Varying from all brown to a pinkish colour and lengths from a few millimeters to 300mm (1ft) in some species but are usually up to 100mm (4in). There are four very common worm species - Night crawlers, as its name suggests they are more often seen at night [...]

By |2017-05-19T13:18:20-07:00December 29th, 2011|Blog, Gardening Tips, Knowledgebase, Sidebar Photoblog|Comments Off on All About Earthworms – Introduction
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