
The Lucky Garden Gives Back | Volunteering in Haiti With Extollo International

I would like to take a moment and share an email I received from one of our stores. Although much of the focus this time of year is on the commercial aspects of the season, Natalie and her family are looking forward to a family tradition that will take her husband Michael and stepson Marcus to Haiti, working with Extollo International.  The project will be to build an orphanage for 150 children, comprised of 10 [...]

By |2017-05-19T13:18:12-07:00December 26th, 2012|Blog, News and Events, Sponsorships|Comments Off on The Lucky Garden Gives Back | Volunteering in Haiti With Extollo International

Gardens 4 Education Healthy Fundraising Program Featuring Empire Builder Soil

Finally, an alternative to overpriced cookie dough and wrapping paper (fundraisers I have boycotted for most of my children's school years). Sanctuary Soil and Feed is proud to support our schools through a partnership with Jeannie Williams, owner of Gardens 4 Education.  We will be providing our own Empire Builder soil for these wonderful garden kits.  Gardens 4 Education is a new fundraising opportunity for schools which will enable schools to raise the funds they need and at [...]

By |2017-05-19T13:18:16-07:00June 4th, 2012|Blog, News and Events, Sponsorships|Comments Off on Gardens 4 Education Healthy Fundraising Program Featuring Empire Builder Soil
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